
This union effort is so badass! Thanks for doing the hard work to give us a space to feel heard. I’m honored to be a part of it, even just from the sidelines.
— Editor at CNET for 1 year

What is the best part about working at CNET?

“It's meaningful to me to offer clear, honest and helpful advice. For the whole time I've been here, the best part has been the people I've worked with. Over the last few months, the best part has been seeing just how many of my colleagues want to work to make CNET a better place.”

– Editor at CNET for 2 years

“I always loved that CNET stories could range from the simplest how-to story to the more complicated, deep dive science and tech innovations. The workers at CNET -- the people who produce content -- make it incredibly rewarding. I didn't really get to know how fantastic my coworkers were until I started helping with the union effort.”

- Editor at CNET for 2 years

“I owe my career to CNET and I've invested so much time, energy and resources into helping to build the organization's reputation as experts in the industry that I cover. Since I've been here, we've gone from barely recognized by companies in my sector to highly respected among the foremost experts in the field. I was proud to work at CNET, because I felt like I directly helped build it.”

- Editor at CNET for 15 years

“CNET has always been a place where passionate journalists have found a home in which they can thrive. It’s always felt like a family — not through forced fun but by respecting our families and our lives.”

- Writer at CNET for 8 years

What do you want to see change at CNET with a union?

“Having a union at CNET enables us to officially come together as a group and demand the rights we deserve, be treated with respect, do great work and get fairly compensated.”

- Editor at CNET for 16 years

“I don’t even know the fate of my role because there seems to be no clear direction with the new reorganization. I’d like the union to protect us from these drastic changes that could potentially cost us our jobs.”

- Writer at CNET for 2 years

“My CNET teammates help me feel at-home and validated, but in terms of company wide, I do not know anything that is happening across CNET. I am basically in the corner and I only know what I do from day to day. I look forward to being able to speak freely across teams and actually know what the hell is going on.”

- Writer at CNET for 2 years

“I think everyone deserves that voice, whatever their seniority, and I think a union will bring us all together to share our experiences. And a committee, with regular meetings with management, can better share those experiences from a collective viewpoint than we can at the moment in all-hands meetings.”

- Editor at CNET for 15+ years

“There has been a chilling of CNET's culture over the last year that's been sad and isolating. Since we've begun organizing, I've felt more connected and energized at work than at any other moment.”

- Editor at CNET for 2 years

“I do not feel like I have a voice on company culture, strategy or my daily tasks. I don’t even think my managers have a voice on those issues because they don’t work for corporate. I would hope a union could help with this.”

- Employee at CNET for 6 years

“A union would give us the opportunity to speak up without fear of retaliation, to negotiate the terms of our work. It would allow us to get to the table and tell management what we know and what we want. A union would give us a fighting chance to enhance our jobs and rescue CNET’s journalistic integrity.”

- Editor at CNET for 2 years

“As a middle manager and remote worker I’ve always been acutely aware of how powerless I am in the grand scheme of things, so I have always been interested in organizing but never had the chance. I would likely not be at CNET anymore if a union was not in the works for our future.”

- Editor at CNET for 2 years

“I do not feel comfortable voicing my true feelings about the company mission/direction/culture because I don't feel safe to do so. I know a union would make me feel more comfortable to speak up about those things that are really important to me, and to create a new avenue to be heard (and hear others from throughout the company who I rarely get to hear from).”

- Video Producer at CNET for 5+ years